Hello, We Are Kompas

Why Kompas?

Using these two words as inspiration for accomplishing the ambitious goal of a plant-based planet, the name Kompas was born.

1. an instrument containing a magnetized pointer which shows the direction of magnetic north and bearings from it

1. contrive to accomplish something

com (together)
passus (step or pace)

sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others

compati (suffer with)

Kompas provides the guidance and direction consumers need in order to eat more healthy, sustainable, plant-based foods - and then, the “K” makes it cool, right? 😉

What is Kompas?

Kompas is a mission-driven, planet first public benefit corporation that aims to increase the demand and supply of plant-based options everywhere. Kompas combines technology and media to promote plant-based options that are beneficial to our personal health as well as the health of our planet and its inhabitants.

Who is Kompas?

Kompas is a team of passionate, positive individuals who share the vision of a planet that is healthy, sustainable, and free of cruelty and suffering. Wanna join us? We’re hiring!


Kompas’ founder, Kristina Plummer, began her plant-based journey in 2011 with the realization that if she wouldn’t eat her dog she shouldn’t eat any other animal. After 8 years of navigating through menus and modifying dishes to adhere to the plant-based diet she decided there was a prodigious opportunity to create a company that would simplify the process of finding plant-based options nearby.

When will the Kompas app be available?

The Kompas app will be available to the public in the summer of 2019.

Where will Kompas be available?

Kompas will launch in San Francisco in the summer of 2019 and will expand to 25 major US cities by 2020. Kompas plans to expand internationally by the summer of 2020.

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